HW May 9-16

Homework May 9-16

This week students have Norwegian reading and 
math to do.

The math sheets ask them to practice graphing coordinates accurately on a grid. 

They should remember:

coordinates grid example

All coordinates consist of two numbers separated 
with a comma and usually 
within parentheses. Example:

( 3, 1)

The first number is the horizontal coordinate, 
or the number along the x axis.

The second number is the vertical coordinate, 
or the number up the y axis.

So the coordinate (3,1) means 3 along and 1 up.

Often children get their coordinates the wrong way
 round and go up first and then along, ending up 
with the coordinate (1,3).

An easy way to remember the correct way is...

'x is a cross so the x coordinate always goes across.'

We can also say that...

'x always comes before y, so the x coordinate 
is always first.'


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