Dear Grade 3 Families,
Exciting news! Grade 3 students have all successfully taken the plunge into the world of Mathletics! They did an excellent job yesterday and seem very excited to keep working online to finish their math jobs this week :)
All of the homework jobs they are working on have been preset by Ms Zemlak.
Students might like to explore the tabs at the top titled PLAY or VIDEOS when they are finished their lessons for this week. We will tell them about these options in class too.
Many students want to create their MATHLETICS CHARACTER.
This is quick and easy, just follow the prompts on the right hand side of the screen.
Please note that our aim is that your son or daughter will be able to navigate
and work independently in this platform. We are teaching them to explore the
links and the skills needed to complete the tasks.
However they may need some guidance with the language of some
of the instructions before they jump in. Please help them or else send
us a quick note and we will guide them at school.
Kim and Jodi
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