
Showing posts from October, 2018

Grade 7 buddies

Earlier this week we had the chance to  visit Grade 7  and share the  TIME CAPSULES  they created.  They shared with us  information and artefacts  from ancient civilisations.  The class was very excited  to see ancient writings and  forms of communication. They asked great questions.   Working with a partner, we are creating our own alphabet code  systems today in art!

Reading Eggs and Typing Games Zone

Grade 3 students are off and running with  Reading Eggs and Typing Games Zone!  Both can be worked on at home.  Students have  their log in codes  on their  "gold cards" Please keep these cards at home.  Typing Games Zone has 75 free games to choose from.  We suggest starting with those  that are "Easy" or "Homerow"

Homework October 25

   Hi Everyone,    Grade 3 students know what their jobs are for this week!  1.  POW-        Wonky Town math pattern problem  2.  Spelling and word practice-     Take time to review and practice writing the  vocabulary words listed      in your pink book. 3.  READING EGGS-     Please do not start this until Friday. We will start at school!         a. Go to         b. Use your card to log in with your user name and  password         c. Do the activities in your bank

Reminder, tomorrow is World Food Day!

Just a reminder ... In recognition of World Food Day ,  GIS student council has decided to hold a  canned food drive. When? October 16 - October 24 Any donations ( I or 2 cans or dried foods)  are optional, greatly  appreciated. Kind thanks!  GIS student council 


Dear Grade 3 Families, Exciting news! Grade 3 students have all successfully taken the plunge into the world of Mathletics! They did an excellent job yesterday and seem very excited to keep working online to finish their math jobs this week :) All of the  homework jobs they are working on have been preset by Ms Zemlak. Students might like to explore the tabs at the top titled PLAY or VIDEOS when they are finished their lessons for this week. We will tell them about these options in class too. Many students want to create their MATHLETICS CHARACTER.  This is quick and easy, just follow the prompts on the right hand side of the screen.  Please note that our aim is that your son or daughter will be able to navigate  and work independently in this platform. We are teaching them to explore the  links and the skills needed to complete the tasks.  However they may need some guidance with the...

Homework October 12

Grade 3 Homework: October 11-17 1. Mathletics : Students each received a "gold card" with 2 personal log in user names and  passwords for Mathletics and Reading Eggs.  Please keep his card at home!  Yesterday we all logged in successfully and worked in the Mathletics forum.  The class loved really loved it!  For HW, please finish  the activities set by Ms. Zemlak :)  2.  Plan A Halloween Party - Math Problem Solving  Imagine that you are part of a team that is preparing a Halloween Party. There will be 10 friends at the party. The Planning Team has 12000 NOK in total to spend for the party. You will need to spend 6000 NOK on  food  and 6000 NOK on  party items . Use words, pictures, numbers to show your thinking. 3.   Bonus Math Page- Addition Practice
Dear Parents, Happy October to everyone.  We hope everyone had a restful holiday.  Grade 3 students came back with lots of stories to share!  Please note that Grade 3 is starting a new unit of  inquiry this week, as follows:  Human communication is open to interpretation.  •    Different methods/purposes for communication •    How/ why the media manipulates messages •    Critical evaluation of advertisements and media  This unit builds on the signs and symbols unit the class explored last year in grade 2.  During the month ahead we will be looking at various ways people get important messages across to select audiences.   We will also start to t hink critically about media and  advertising around us.  **If you have any expertise in this area or connections to anyone in the community that we could invite to school or go...