
HW May 6 - 12

Last Gr. 3 homework of the year! 1- Reading Eggspress-  Every student has one reading book assigned  and a few more spelling drills  ( adding -ed to words and past tense) 2- Norwegian practice sheets 3- On Friday students will bring home a math review booklet to finish up at home.  We started this in class but will need a bit of extra time at home to finish.

HW May 23-29

This week's HW is all about reading and writing: 1- Reading Eggspress a. Read the assigned chapters in the book called WATER. Do the end of chapter quizzes for each. b. Spelling drills - Focus on contractions and ing/ed endings 2- Story Factory Write a new story for this week. Be sure to include  as many adjectives (describing words) as you can. 3- Norwegian from Ms. Haavi * Note, Mathletics is currently being updated so no jobs this week

HW May 16- 22

Dear Grade 3, Happy 17th of May!  Enjoy a wonderful long weekend. Homework this week: 1- Norwegian reading and skills practice 2- Water chart- Students are invited to keep a 5 day tally of their water consumption at home 3- Math- Area and perimeter practice sheets

HW May 9-16

Homework May 9-16 This week students have Norwegian reading and  math to do. The math sheets ask them to  practice graphing coordinates accurately on a grid.  They should remember: All coordinates consist of two numbers separated  with a comma and usually  within parentheses. Example: ( 3, 1) The first number is the horizontal coordinate,  or the number along the x axis. The second number is the vertical coordinate,  or the number up the y axis. So the coordinate (3,1) means 3 along and 1 up. Often children get their coordinates the wrong way  round and go up first and then along, ending up  with the coordinate (1,3). An easy way to remember the correct way is... 'x is a cross so the x coordinate always goes across.' We can also say that... 'x always comes before y, so the x coordinate  is always first.'

Student led conferences and portfolios

Thank you all for coming to our  Student Led Conferences. Your children were very excited to have you there! Their portfolios will have many  more items added between now and the end of June. They will bring them home  at the end of the year. We will print a personal conference photo  and include it in their portfolio too.

HW May 2-8

Dear All, The class has the following for HW this week: 1- Mathletics - Fractions and reading graphs practice ( See this short video clip to review some of the fraction  ideas we have talked about in class ) 2- Reading Eggspress     I assigned everyone a library book to read. Enjoy and do      not forget to do the chapter quizzes. 3- Writing skills practice in Reading Eggspress    Students are writing a lot of their own stories. These 2 drills         will help them practice past tense of verbs in English and     using -er and -est  in their work. 

Happy Easter

Dear Grade 3 Families, We wish you a very good holiday and Happy Easter! See you after the break, Kim and Jodi NTNU Visit- Planting seeds and Design Space  Under An African Mountain- Actors and singers at work