
Showing posts from August, 2018

More information about Terry Fox

More information about Terry Fox if you are interested !

Homework August 30

Homework Thursday, August 30 Due next Wednesday, September 6 1.  Heroes -  Thank you for your hero stories! For next week, can you please bring a  picture  of the person you wrote about?  It can be a photo, and print out or a drawing.  2.  Terry Fox Story -  Read the story again with mom and/or dad. Answer the questions. 3. Handwriting Practice -  Do your best work 3x each in your new pink notebook.  AND...  If you want more! (optional) Can you find out about a Norwegian Hero? Who? When?  Where?  Why are they a hero?

Class timetable and teachers

Grade 3 Teachers Ms Zemlak - Grade 3 homeroom classes Ms Jodi Benson- Grade 3 assistant  Ms Michelotti- Buddy classes with Grade 1 Ms Haavi- Norwegian Mr Tooey- Writing (once a week) Mr Zarouba- Math challenges (once a week) Mr Coldevin- PE Mr Stavsoien- Music   Mrs. Rasen- Library skills 

Welcome back everyone!

    has a bright new classroom  in the newly opened hallway at GIS and  20 returning students  eager and ready to start the year !  The class brainstormed agreements  we thought were important to get the year started off on the right foot. Here they are: 1- Be kind and caring 2- Respect each other, our materials and time 3- Support and appreciate our classmates, teachers, family, friends 4- Do our best and try new things ( be open to learn, explore,  build/ make things and ask questions) 5- HAVE FUN! Here are a few photos of the first week of school including our new  music room,  first math and Norwegian  lessons.  We are getting the hang of our new routines and teachers!